Очередная красивая тема Для тайгеров в виде нового дизайна "Leopard"
Installation method: 1. Use ClearDock to hide the Dock background and set indicator colour white. 2. Open "Liger.guiKit". 3. Apply "Liger" them, icon set, and desktop picture. 4. Open "Liger.pkg" and follow instructions.
NOTE: If updating from previous version, please open "Uninstall.app" first.
Changes: - LigerDock - Uses Quarts for fast graphics - can auto-hide - LigerMenubar image improved - Added variants - Opaque Menubar - Metal - Metal + Opaque Menubar - Added brown folder icon set - Added some app icons - Xcode - Interface Builder - Terminal - System Preferences
Features: - FLAWLESS TRANSPARENCY for ANY menu extras and any app! - Nice looking menu-extras - App skins for Safari and Mail! (More to come) - Grass wallpaper! - Icons! - Dock (check the preview screenshot)
Known issues (working list): - Safari v3 Beta doesn't like themes :S - LigerDock - Animation jumpy - Only supports bottom position - LigerMenubar - Transparency can't be changed - Menubar and Dock both don't like fullscreen apps (eg. DVD Player) [you can auto-hide the Dock to fix part of the problem]